Electronics production



Making the FabISP in-circuit programmer:

This week's challenge was to make an ISP in-circuit programmer. I knew it was going to be challenging for me and yes it was challenging. Having to start from the scratch, To do this project, there were few program I needed to install to be able to do this weeks assignment. I had to I had to get Ubuntu running on my machine which was easy and which I know will make my work easier since it already have python and most of the programs neede for running the softwares needed. I had to get the FabModule installed and I need this to be able to mill my ISP Circuit. And then I had t install the programing softwares needed. I had to get the AVR programmers installed and also had to install all the other dependacies needed to run these programs. in other to be able to succeed with this assignment. After setting up, I had to do this a couple of times before I could get it done right. I even had to go to the extend of cutting two different circuit boads to make it a success. Programming the circuit was not that much of a problem once we got the circuit done right. After programming the circuit, it was tested by connecting it to the MS windows OS which detected it as a USB device but could not get the driver automatically for installation.





Below are the process I went through to get this done:

Processing the FabISP Cuircuit uusig the FabModule:



Milling the FabISP Circuit:



The FabISP in the Soldered State:



Programming the FabISP Circuit:



Result after Programming the FabISP: